6421 South Walker Avenue
Young Working Saints Outing
Spring 2023
The pre-reading is similar in format to the Holy Word for Morning Revival, and designed to be read each day, preferably with one or two others, from Lord's day, April 16, through Friday, April 21.
Registration is now open for the Young Working Saints Outing, which will be held at the meeting hall of the church in Oklahoma City, on April 21-22. We will begin with dinner on Friday, April 21, at 6:00 PM, ending at 9:00 PM, then continue on Saturday, April 22, at 9:00 AM, concluding with lunch at 12:00 PM.
Childcare will be provided.
The registration deadline is Lord's day, April 16.
The topic of this outing will be "God's Economy in Faith."
Please fill out the registration form at the link below if you will be attending the Young Working Saints Outing in any way (serving or attending the meetings). All saints 18 and over are welcome to attend, but the focus of the outing will be towards the 25-50 age group. Please indicate in the appropriate field if your children and/or young people will be attending. All young people (7-12th grades) should be prepared to help with the children, in coordination with the serving adults.
The cost for the outing is as follows:
$6 for dinner on Friday
$6 for lunch on Saturday
$3 per meal for ages 2-12
Free for children under 2
Free for all young people who serve with the children
We will NOT have a Zoom option, but the audios of the messages given by various brothers should be made available after the outing.
!!! Registration Closed !!!
May the Lord richly bless our coming together!