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Rock Springs 2024

Registration for Rock Springs Young People's Conference has begun!  This time is intended to be a refresher and a kind of continuation to Truth School, which was held in Oklahoma City in late July, for our young people. Therefore, the meetings are for the young people. However, historically Rock Springs is carried out in a family atmosphere, and therefore we invite families of the young people to attend.


The dates are Friday, October 25, through Lord’s Day, October 27.  The Location is Rock Springs Ranch 1168 Highway K157 Junction City, KS 66441.  The registration cost is $130 for ALL attendees. Children 4 and under are free.


6th graders are invited and encouraged to join with the other young people at the Rock Springs conference. For the 6th graders this may be their first experience of the young people work and many are excited for this foretaste and opportunity to join the young people just ahead of themselves. The 6th graders will be with the young people in the meetings, activities, and cabins.


There is a need for workers, especially college age, to help serve during the whole conference!


Note: A background check will be required for all those attending who are 18 years of age and over.


During the young people meetings we ask parents to help out watching children younger than junior high in a separate room and will have some activities geared towards them.  We ask the parents to serve in this way at least during one of the meetings.

More information will be sent in the future including the schedule, maps, consecration and health release forms.


IMPORTANT: We must receive the registration of saints attending before Lord's Day, October 6, 2024 as we must supply this information to the camp on that date. 




If you have any questions, please contact James Kennedy for Oklahoma City (405-314-7739), Joseph Feng for Norman (302-345-1234), or Josh Cochran for Edmond (405-413-0800). 

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