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Topic: The Triune God and the Person and Work of Christ


Pre-reading:  The pre-reading will begin Monday, July 15 — download here!

Dear Churches and Families sending Young People to the Truth School in Oklahoma City:

It is a real joy and privilege for the churches in the Oklahoma City metro area to host the Truth School each summer for our young people. In addition to having our local young people and workers join, we greatly benefit by having young people and workers come to the Oklahoma City area from out of town and out of state.  Please take note that we continually review and update policies and practices so that the experience of our young people remains very positive; therefore, you may notice some changes from previous years.

Please carefully read through the following points of information.

I.  Dates:  Monday, July 22, through Wednesday, July 31

II. Registration, Fees, and Deadline

  • Young people (grades 7-12 in the Fall): $325 for the first child in a family, $300 for each additional child

  • Workers: $250 (plus $8 for lesson book to be paid upon arrival)​​

  • Firm Registration Deadline for Young People: Lord’s Day, July 7

  • Firm Registration Deadline for Workers: Lord’s Day, June 30

  • All registration will be done online at the link at the bottom of this page.  Before you begin to fill out the online registration form, please make sure that you have carefully and prayerfully read through the consecration agreement (found below at VI), including Truth School restrictions and requirements, that you agree to abide by it, that you have signed it, and that you agree to bring it when you arrive.  Young people must complete online registration WITH at least one of their parents.

  • If you are not paying by debit or credit card at time of registration, and would prefer to pay by check, payment must be received by the registration deadline (of Lord’s day, July 7, for young people; and Lord’s day, June 30, for workers), or your registration will be dropped.

  • If you need to make payments toward your registration fee, you may make a non-refundable down payment of $100 within a week of your registration to secure it.  The remaining balance will need to be received in full by the registration deadline above, or your registration will be dropped.  

  • If paying by check, make payable to:

The Church in Oklahoma City
6421 S. Walker Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73139

III. Worker's Orientation, First Day & Last Day           

  • We will have a workers' fellowship via Zoom on Thursday, July 11, from 8:00-9:00pm

  • Truth School will begin on Monday afternoon, July 22. Check-in will begin at 5:00pm and end at 6:15pm. Pizza and salad will be available from 5:30-6:15pm.  There will be a mandatory workers' prayer and fellowship at 6:15pm.  Simultaneously, the YP will begin Truth School with singing and prayer at 6:15pm in the main room of the meeting hall.  The first meeting and general orientation will begin at 7:00pm. We recommend everyone to arrive at 5:00pm.

  • Truth School will conclude Wednesday, July 31st at 12:00pm, with graduation and awards presentation beginning around 11:15pm.

IV. Worker and Car Requirements

  • Sending localities must provide one worker for every three young people for Truth School.

  • Each worker must have a car to use for the entire time.  Please fellowship with James Kennedy by phone at 405-314-7739 or by email at if you have a situation that makes this difficult.  Those under 21 years of age will not be allowed to drive young people during Truth School, unless given special exception by the Truth School (see James Kennedy).

  • In extenuating situations workers may team up to each cover half of the time.  Please first fellowship regarding this by contacting James Kennedy at 405-314-7739 or e-mail at  If workers split the time they must:

  1. Cover the spot for the entire period of the Truth School with no gaps

  2. Be of the same gender and general maturity

  3. Have no more than two workers teaming up to cover the time

  • We will require a background check for all workers.  

  • We encourage COLLEGE STUDENT workers to serve with Truth School.​

  • We cannot receive YP with special needs, unless accompanied at all times by a parent as the worker, and must be approved in fellowship with James Kennedy, who can be contacted at 405-314-7739 or by email at This parent cannot be counted as part of the 1:3 ratios of workers to young people and must be the same gender.

  • We expect that the workers will be committed to Truth School including being willing to pray, serve and coordinate, and to follow all requirements (e.g., dress code) listed in the worker consecration agreements in section VI below.

V. What to Bring and Not Bring to Truth School

  1. Bring sleeping bag or bedding

  2. Bring personal towel and toiletries

  3. Bring Recovery Version of the New Testament — one of the red pocket sizes if possible.

  4. Sisters must wear dresses or skirts to all morning Truth School meetings. Skirts and dresses should come two inches below the knee when sitting. Long pants may be worn during evening meetings. No shirts are allowed that require a camisole or layering to be acceptable.  If wearing a t-shirt, please only wear Truth School or church-related t-shirts.  High heeled shoes are not to be worn.

  5. Brothers must wear long pants in all Truth School meetings. Nice jeans are acceptable. Pants should not be too tight or baggy or have holes, cuts or patches. No hats should be worn in the meeting. Undergarments must not be showing. If this is the case, we will ask you to change your pants. Pulling your shirt down over your pants is not a solution.  In all morning meetings brothers must wear either a collared shirt (button up or polo) or a Truth School or church-related t-shirt.  Brothers may not wear earrings.

  6. No sleeveless or tight-fitting shirts may be worn by either brothers or sisters at any time or place.

  7. No shirts bearing inappropriate logos or displaying improper slogans may be worn.

  8. Long loose-fitting shorts that come to the knee should be worn for recreation, if not wearing pants or sweats. Form-fitting exercise pants are permitted during activity time but must be worn under shorts (long loose-fitting shorts that come to the knee).

  9. No flip-flops are allowed. This includes recreation time. Tennis shoes or sneakers that do not leave black scuffs must be worn for recreation in the gym. 

  10. Clothing violations will be enforced. Expect to be asked to change your clothes if they do not match the dress code.

  11. No magazines, books, iPods, MP3s, tablets, rubik’s cubes, electronic games, dice, cards, fidget spinners or pocketknives are allowed, or any item that will be a distraction from the main purpose of being in Truth School.

  12. Cell phones may be brought for the purpose of contact with parents but will be kept and regulated by the workers. No text messaging is allowed at any time. Any smart watches will need to be given to the worker.

VI. Required Documents

  1. YP consecration agreement

  2. Worker consecration agreement


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